Friday, September 24, 2004

An Outing Causes Reflection

An Outing Causes Reflection

I think my private blog with April is making me write less in here. For example, I had a sorta interesting day today but I can't really write about all the details in here 'cause I'm too paranoid someone I know might recognise me. It's just easier to only tell April about it.

I went out with some uni friends and amazingly had (I'm a bit afraid to say this) a BETTER time than I usually have with my high school friends. Never thought that could happen. Now, what made it better?

Firstly - guys. Even if none of them were my type (or anywhere even close) but it was nice to hang out with not only girls. Secondly, I loved how everyone was a lot more outgoing which made it easier to not worry whether everyone was having a good time. And it was easier to have a good time with relaxed social people around.

It's weird how although I act the same with my high school friends and my uni friends, people have quite different perceptions of me.

I also got thinking that not only can't we choose our families, but we also can't choose our friends. If I could pick people I'd want to be friends with from the entire population, I doubt I'd choose the friends I have. Except a few.

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