Saturday, September 25, 2004

The Worst Habit

The Worst Habit

There’s a girl in my course who hasn’t talked to anyone for the last two years and only last week decided to try and join in by having lunch with us. I tried to make her feel welcome (‘cause it can be quite daunting to try and join a large group of people who all know each other). I started talking to her but I couldn’t understand a word she was saying because of her very strong accent. That made it very difficult because I couldn’t reply to what she said but just sat there, smiled and nodded. And every time, she’d look at me questioningly, I felt really bad for seeming so snobby to her.

She was also talking while she was eating and she had all this food stuck in her teeth and she was chewing really noisily and spitting. It was so gross, especially that one thing that irritates me above all else is people eating loudly, making that smacking, chewing and gulping noise. (Just that day, a girl behind me on the train was eating so loudly I had to restrain myself from turning around and telling her to shut up).

Even after that girl was gross, I invited her to come along for our yesterday’s outing. She came which surprised the others and afterwards they said it was nice that she did. I tried to talk to her again because most people were ignoring her (not because they were being rude but because she wasn’t really joining in) and I have to say that I’m over trying so hard to make her feel comfortable because she was spitting when she was talking and I couldn’t understand what she was talking about. I try not to feel sorry for people but it was a bit hard with her.

Which habit irritates you the most?

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