Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The Third Time

The Third Time

Max called yesterday. We spoke for about an hour on the mobile before my battery went flat. That would’ve been one expensive phone call. When he said he’d be calling (‘cause I told him to warn me) I got all ready and made sure that I would be the first to pick up the normal phone so I wouldn’t have to explain who he was to my Dad (my Mum wasn’t home) but then he goes and calls me on the mobile. Right now, it’s too easy to keep him a secret from my parents (or anyone really).

Really want to tell April about him but I can’t right now. I only will after I meet him (a number of times) so it’s worth it.

Every conversation that I have with him on the phone just gets better and better. The first time was kind of awkward. The second time was 2 hours of small talk. And yesterday he actually acknowledged that we knew each other for 4 years now (which is a long time). And although we generally talked about general topics, he did tell me what happened to the girl that he really liked in America that he used to go on about when we used to chat. So the conversation was much more relaxed than last time. And it was good that we actually talked like friends, rather than acquaintances. He’s just like having a girl friend (only a bit different but in a good way). I love it :)

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