Tuesday, September 07, 2004

The Game

The Game

It feels like I'm playing a very strategic game with the Max thing. I'm plotting my every move. I look at all my choices and imagine all possible consequences. And then choose the move that would yield the best outcome.

It seems like he's playing carelessly.

It's my turn now. Instead of replying to my email, he messaged me. I don't really want to message back 'cause I prefer to communicate through email, rather than SMS. More can be said that way. But he seems to want me to message him back. So now I'm not sure if I should tell him that I prefer email or if I should message him back. And if I do, what can I say that would make things go the way I want them to?

I know I know, I have too much spare time to overanalyse the tiniest of details. Actually there are a lot of other things I should be thinking about but I'm a professional procrastinator.

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