Friday, September 03, 2004

My Chronic Disease: Procrastination

My Chronic Disease: Procrastination

I had a choice today between going to uni and wasting time and staying home and getting work done. I chose the latter. After about an hour of trying to figure out what to do and doing about a 100th of what is needed, I got bored (at my extremely slow pace) and decided to waste time instead.

I so hate doing work that takes tons of mechanical processes to be done that take forever. Reminds me of factory work or something. I have to trace a photo of a detailed supermarket. Every shelf, ever box and carton to make it look realistic. There has to be a faster way! And after that I have to add other stuff to the image that I have to make up myself. Just looking at the work makes me want to close the program and hope it will get done by itself. Well, I can wish.

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