Friday, February 11, 2005

Where I Am Now

Where I Am Now

I'm a bit over Max at the moment. He's getting on my nerves and I need a break from my game playing.

I've had my first real job interview yesterday and they want to give me a trial run so I'm too happy about that to pay attention to Max.

I'm pretty sure they won't hire me but I won't mind too much because it's really far for me to get to anyway.

Today, my Aunt Naomi came over with my baby cousin. He is the most adorable baby (other than my other cousin Allie). Every time I'd look at him or play with him or hold him, he'd start laughing. It melts my heart every time.

In other news, I'm not tutoring anymore because the girl I was supposed to tutor canceled at the last moment which really bugged me since I only paid my fee to the agency because this student's mother asked me to tutor her daughter this year.

Tomorrow a uni friend is having a party. Not really looking forward to it but since I've missed the last few, I should go and put some effort into my social life, especially revolving around uni people. If only I liked them as much as my high school friends, but hey I shouldn't complain. They're not that bad.

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