Monday, February 21, 2005

Surprises and Other Things Not So Surprising

Surprises and Other Things Not So Surprising

Claudia has a boyfriend. I'm not supposed to know. (And neither are you.)

April found out when she went out with Ellen and her tonight. The one I didn't want to go to.

This boyfriend is Mike! Remember the guy I talked about here? I was quite shocked. Definitely didn't see that coming. Apparently it's serious 'cause they even met each other's parents.

April and I are the only ones who are left without boyfriends now. Wanted to talk about Max again, but thought that April felt bad enough about lack of guys as it is and she'd think I don't understand just 'cause I 'know' him.

He sent me another email saying he's leaving for 7 weeks! I don't call that a 'short while'. I hate clinging to him so much 'cause he's not even worth it. But without him, I don't have any hope. At least for the last few weeks, I could sort of see something possibly developing but now I see it faded somewhere in the future. But then, it'll probably float away even further.

I don't understand what's wrong with him. He used to want to meet so much. Ages ago. It even used to get to me that he was being so persistent. Now it's completely reversed. I know he doesn't have a girlfriend so it can't be that. Not that being in a relationship should prevent him since we'd only be meeting as friends.

Is he just lazy? I really don't get it.

Of course it could be that he's not who he says he is which would confirm my paranoia, but the chances of that are too slim.

Those 7 weeks seem like such a long time. I've waited long enough. I can't wait any longer.

Maybe I'm dreaming the whole thing and he really doesn't exist.

I don't know.

I want a job. A good one. With lots of opportunities to meet RG.

April: people with boyfriends have no right to complain.
me: maybe that's what poor people who have no food say about us.
April: I bet they're saying, "I have no food but at least I have someone who loves me and who I love back."

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