Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Well, I guess my good feeling about that job wasn't that good since they didn't call me back when they said they would. Or maybe it was a good feeling since I wouldn't be too happy in it anyway. Man, I just want a good job.

The place where I worked today was great. The job is so boring but there are two wonderful girls to keep me company. If I try hard enough, I can almost pretend that it's just like uni/school. We actually have a whole hour lunch break where we eat and chat about everything. How I missed those kind of social interactions at my last jobs. One girl is married which is hard to believe because I can relate to her so well; it's hard to see her as a real adult.

Today I found out that since the last time I've been there, they managed to kill their manager's fish (since she's overseas now). They probably wouldn't be too happy with me saying they 'killed' it since there was nothing they could do about it. But it's funny how you always hear of the fish being fine until their owner leaves them to someone else and all problems start, even though the carers follow all the instructions. I suggested they get a new one to replace the old one but the problem is that all the fish are getting sick and they might all die soon. I told them they should get rid of the tank completely and tell their manager that there was a robbery.

It felt a bit like we were in a sitcom, conspirationally discussing what the best thing would be to do about the fish.

I swear, fish cause more problems than they are worth. David's Mum's fish always eat each other and get into fights. They had to be separated. So now there's the 'Happy Tank' and the 'Mental Asylum' also known as the "Detention Centre for Bad Fish" or "Fish Jail". The two psycho fish are insane. One minute they would be doing their regular laps around the bowl and the next they'd be shooting in every direction, then they'd just as suddenly go back to their circles.

I was supposed to work there tomorrow too but there's going to be construction going on so they told me not to bother showing up since we wouldn't be able to do anything anyway.

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