Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Star Struck

Today while I was taking the long journey to work (last place I went to) , I decided that from now on I will write things about my life that don't involve David. Like I used to do before him. It might give some variety to my one endless topic that I've been happily writing non-stop about, neglecting all the other things that have happened to me.

You might not believe that for over a week I haven't talked about the media event that I volunteered for. The one where I lied myself from a horrible dirty boring job to the green room where I got to chat to some quite well known celebrities (while hanging out with a cute national swimmer turned movie-maker). My favourite one had to be Ian Thorpe with whom I discussed the toilets. It was an experience worthy to tell my grandkids. I never really cared for Ian before but in person, he was drop-dead gorgeous, not to mention very sweet. There were some other famous people I exchanged a few words with which was quite exciting at the time.

Hanging out with a guy for the whole day was so ironic. That would've never happened when I was single. Ok, so I did start sticking to a group of girls at the beginning but later it was just me and this guy (when the girls were probably being bitter about not coming up with my lie first). Anyway, this probably would've been a lot more exciting (and disappointing) if David didn't exist but fortunately he does 'cause no guy compares to him.

Came to another one of my realisations recently. Even though David wasn't the type I imagined my RG to be, if I could pick a fantasy guy (i.e. not taking into consideration any practical issues), he would be it (well, pretty close anyway). He has all the qualities of a guy who's fun to think about but not practical to have - exciting, sexy Latino dancer. However, he gets bonus points for being able to be down-to-earth. And LOTS of extra points for being real and mine.

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