Sunday, September 11, 2005

Imaginary Defence

David told me he had a fight with Ryan on Friday. It was basically about David not spending much time with him anymore. I tried to get the exact details and I got the feeling that Ryan said something bad about me. David said that Ryan thought he didn't have time for him only because of me, although that wasn't true at all and he was pretty busy with uni and work. He also said that Ryan got annoyed at him when he wouldn't check out some girls at the party. What the hell is wrong with that guy? Doesn't he realise that David has a girlfriend?

If Ryan did say something bad about me, I would've loved to see David stand up for me. Maybe get a little angry and say (with a eerie tone that showed boiled anger underneath that could explode any second), "I never want to hear you say that about the most important person in my life!" It would've been so cute.

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