Monday, September 05, 2005

Inside My Head

To say work was quiet today is the biggest understatement. Pretty much as soon as I sat down and was told to wait to be given work, I opened up the organisation's website and pretended to read their online newsletters while entertaining myself with memories of my time with David. It was hard not to smile while enjoying the fact that no one knew what images were running through my head, while I innocently stared at the screen. Did any of these people walking by with papers, briefcases, coffees and the ones at their desks checking their mail, talking on the phone or discussing weekends with each other have any idea the reason my lips were curling up?

Everyone in the office is so oblivious to what's going on inside everyone's heads. Sometimes I wonder what thoughts everyone's having while they go through their daily tasks. Are they really just concentrating on their work or are their thoughts as secret as mine?

At around 10:30am I got a pleasant surprise. David called me to say he could meet me for lunch. The next few hours went so slowly. Finally I went to meet him. That one hour with him improved my whole day. He said that he talked to his sister and she said she just exaggerrated her reaction when she burst into his bedroom and that she knew we weren't doing 'anything'.

Also, apparently when he went to his step-sister's house for Father's Day, everyone asked him about the details of how we met. His Mum also asked how I was more than once in one day. It's nice to know she's thinking of me so often. Hopefully not in a bad way though!

How weird to think I was the topic of conversation between people I've never even met.

When we had to part, he said, "Uhm... I'll call... is today too soon?" and I was like, "No!" so he said, "Oh cool, we get to talk later then! Is after 10 ok?" My heart melted a little (probably because I was in that kind of mood). Just the fact that he's still worried about calling me too soon, even though he wants to. It kinda makes me want him more when he gets worried that he's coming on too strong.

After lunch, I got chatting with my supervisor (who can also speak POBian) and she told me her boyfriend absolutely loves it when she speaks it. So I said my boyfriend also loves it when I speak it. It was the first time I mentioned David at work. She asked if he was Aussie too so I said he was from South America. She was like, "Biatch! Ah! Do you have a photo?!" and then started fanning herself. I don't know why I still get surprised at these sort of reactions. Why do people expect all South Americans to be hot? They should look at his friends. They'll quickly change their minds.

When I got home, at 7pm the phone rang and it was him. He called to tell me he couldn't call later because he had to go to his step-sister's but wanted to let me know not to wait up. This sort of consideration makes feel like falling in love with him. Especially since this happened after April told me how one of the guys (that she liked) at uni said he'll call (even giving a specific day) but didn't and then acted as if it was no big deal.

Why am I starting to miss David already? I've seen and talked to him today. Just want to hold his hand...

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