Sunday, May 21, 2006

The First Time

On Friday, David and I went to a concert. Lauren had lots of free tickets so even though I wasn't really into the band, I went because David liked them.

I met him in the city for dinner. After we ate, we went to a nearby park. It reminded me of the first time we were there, reading Hawaii brochures. It's weird like that, every time I go to a place with David, I always remember the first time we were there. Had a really nice time there.

The concert was boring for me but David enjoyed it more than I did. We were acting a little silly and would clap each others' hand when the audience applauded. We also couldn't help laugh at one of the band members' dancing (if you could call it that).

Afterwards, he drove me to my house and stayed over because it was too late. My parents were surprised to see him in the morning.

He came over again at night. I was going to go to his house because it was definitely my turn but he said he prefers to come to my house because we have more privacy and we can drive to the beach. I didn't argue because that meant I didn't have to drive. (I'm really sick of driving after travelling to work using that mode of transport every day.)

When he came, my brother got him to help him with his homework (since he's doing the same subjects David did). So I almost fell asleep sitting down (I was still tired from not getting much sleep the night before).

After we drove to the beach, it was SO freezing and sprinkling that we just sat in the car, overlooking the water. Had a nice chat. I told him about my Mum. He listened really well. Don't remember what else we talked about.

We got back to my house and watched Prison Break. That was enjoyable. You know they won't get out of the prison any time soon but the suspense is still great.

It's his birthday next week. David's going to be 24. It's also going to be our anniversary. One year. Can't believe it. Really can't. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would be the way we are now.

It really brings back memories of last year. I went to his birthday party and a week later, we started going out and my life changed completely, and forever.

I wonder if some people wonder how/when I will break up with him 'cause it's getting to that critical time when things either work or they don't. I mean what are the chances of me staying with my first boyfriend for the rest of my life?

Pretty unusual, right?

Unless, you're me. It's pretty unusual for someone to get a first boyfriend at 21 years of age so I'm not exactly the ones to follow the norms.

Right now, I really feel like David and I will be together forever. He's almost everything I ever I wanted and sometimes I feel that he is everything.

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