Saturday, January 22, 2005

A Comment For Ashley

A Comment For Ashley

As I've said lots of times before, my comments are usually stuffed. They either don't show the right number or won't let me post or some other problem they like to create to make things more difficult.

So this is more of a reply to Ashley's comment (which got posted 3 times and when I deleted 2 of them, the 3rd one disappeared as well, or maybe I deleted it accidentally myself).

Anyway, I just wanted to say that Max never treated me like an object. He actually usually thinks I'm a much better person than I really am which is what makes it really hard for me to remember the reasons I don't like him (which I've mentioned before but if you don't want to read all my posts to find them, they are laziness, not a lot of intelligence in some areas and some other personality traits that I don't find very appealing).

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