Monday, January 31, 2005

The Torture Chamber Survival Story

The Torture Chamber Survival Story

I just came back from the Torture Chamber, also known as The Dentist. I can't feel half of my face but I'm sure I don't need that half right now anyway.

I honestly believe that dentists thrive on the pain of others. After I lied down on the torture chair (which was deceivingly comfortable - another way to trick you into thinking dentists are nice people), the Torturer started hitting me on my sick tooth asking if if it hurt. After I almost yelped in pain, I'm sure he thought, "That was fun, I'll just hit it harder" because that's exactly what he did.

My pain only encouraged him to reach for his tools. One of these was a long sharp metal rod which he proceeded to stick into my gum and tongue. All the while with a smile on his face (I knew it was there behind his white mask!)

"This won't hurt at all!" he said, knowing exactly how much it would but lulling me into a false sense of security. But he underestimated me! I knew not to believe all his fake words. I could see through all his evil lies!

He didn't even wait long enough for the anaesthesia to numb my mouth because as he was drilling (which was already painful to listen to), I could feel horrible shots of pain in my tooth. While I was clenching my hands together and squeezing my eyes, he kept saying, "I told you it wouldn't hurt" to which I could only say "Uhuh!" which seemed to please him.

He then goes, "So how's your Dad?". F$%^ing hell, I can't talk while there are electric instuments having a war inside my mouth. But I should be used to it. My dentist always likes to have conversations while I lie helpless in the torture chair with my mouth forced open wider than it can usually go.

When I was freed, I thought half of my face was blown up. I ended up having like 3 fillings in one tooth. It's more probable that I have some of my tooth inside the fillings. But I can't be sure.

When I got home and checked the damage in the mirror, I saw a grey filling. That evil monster! He said they were going to be white.

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