Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The New Lifestyle

What I've learnt since I started my temp job:

- how to tell whether a pile of paper has 1, 2 and 3 pieces, just by feeling it with my fingers. (At first I could never tell whether there were 2 pieces stuck together or if it was just one, but now I can.)

- getting to a bank is impossible without taking time off work (since the bank I need is not close to where I work and I can't go there during lunch time)

- doing pretty much anything (non-work related) is impossible without taking time off.

- life is wasted away when you don't like your work (since it takes up most of your life)

- when I do get home, I have to choose between checking out the internet or watching TV since there's no time for both, unless I want to cut on sleep. Which I don't.

- going to bed at midnight is too late in order to get the healthy 7 hours of sleep.

- if you stay at the office the whole day, you never experience what the weather is during the day (since it's always cold in the morning and cold at night)

I miss uni SOOOO much! Sure I don't miss the assignments, but I'm at work for so long, it cancels out.

For the last week (and a bit) my day went like this:
1. wake up at 6:30 (which is early for me)
2. get to work at 8:40.
3. sort, staple, type, file
4. have lunch, chatting to the women (sometimes going for a walk with a couple of them)
5. type type type
6. leave work at 5:15
7. spend time being a sardine in the train
8. get home at 7pm
9. eat
10. check job ads and apply for them
11. check mail, blog etc.
12. either watch my taped shows or surf the net
13. make lunch for tomorrow
14. sleep

and back to 1 again.

I don't want to waste my life in this manner. If I'm going to be at work most of my life (which I know is a normal), I want to do something I would feel good about.

I think I'll do this job for a month (to increase my savings) and the ask the agency to find me a REAL temp job where I get some time off. Even one day would be enough for me. So I can call up companies and be even more active in my job search.

Anyway, I think I'm just experiencing a bit of a lifestyle shock. The laid back student way of living has drastically changed to a 9 to 5 (even more for me) every day job that leaves no time for anything else.

Even though I'd like to say I'll get used to it, I know I'm going to hate working at this job. I need to feel like I'm contributing to society in some way or at least doing something exciting so I don't feel like I'm wasting my life away at a desk, looking at never-ending numbers.

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