Sunday, March 27, 2005


First of all, I'm so glad my comments are working again!

Secondly, the matchmaking game is over. Claud's brother isn't interested and could only recommend one of his womanising (according to Claudia) friends. My (yes, I own her) 29 year old doesn't need anyone like that. To be honest, I'm disappointed. I sort of expected it but I still had some hope that it might work.

Funnily though is that some stranger tried playing a bit of a matchmaker with me. When we were out clubbing last night, some girl came up and started talking to me. She looked a bit familiar (kinda like a bad version of Alicia Silverstone, which is still pretty good if you think about it) so I pretended that I remembered her. Turned out I didn't know her. She just came up to tell me that her friend wanted to talk to me but was too shy to come up himself and if I could go and talk to him. My ego shot up since that never happened before. Of course being me, I got a bit suspicious and wondered if this was some joke this girl was playing with her friends. Nadine was rolling her eyes at this moment. Amelia was getting a drink so she didn't witness this.

I asked which guy and when she pointed I couldn't tell 'cause the dance floor was so crowded. I told the girl if this guy wanted to talk to me, he can come up himself. So she went back to tell him that and while I was trying to see who it was and hoping that he could at least be a little cute, this not very attractive guy comes up.

Even though at first I thought it was a bit cowardly to get his friend to do all the work but then I realised that if he came up himself, I probably would've ignored him. This guy seemed really shy because he kept trying to initiate a lot of small-talk and I wasn't helping in making conversation. First of all, it was really loud so I could barely hear him. Then, his whole group of friends were watching us. I did ask him some things though 'cause I didn't want to disregard him just because of his looks. So later I disregarded him because he wasn't very smart. A more plausible reason. I know I would hate it if I ignored some guy who had the personality I was looking for because I wasn't attracted to him (and honestly, I can usually find something in a guy to be attracted to physically if I like his personality, even though it would've been really hard with this one). This was also after I asked about his friends (he could've had good ones but the only ok one seemed to be the girl who came up to me).

I was glad when Amelia came back and after 5-10 more minutes, I said good bye and we went to the courtyard. For once I was worried if the guy would feel rejected (which he was) 'cause I don't want anyone (nice) to feel like that. Nadine said that she just tells everyone to 'f*** off' no matter who they are. I think I just understand the pain of rejection (even from no one specific) better than she does. I don't mind ignoring random sleazy guys but I feel for the ones who have friends who care enough to help them.

And I think it's also the fact that I stood out to him (since I'm pretty sure he wasn't getting his friend to ask every girl since she walked past quite a few, including Nadine). Why can't I stand out to smart guys? But I'm not complaining. It was a pleasant surprise and I like those.

And I didn't expect to get a second one (which was something I DEFINITELY did not see coming.)

Before I mention the best part of the night, I have to say that when we went to the courtyard there was a fight going on and I saw a bouncer throw a guy's head into a metal table. I've never seen such violence in real life before (and it's definitely not like the movies). I've seen worse on TV and wasn't as affected by it as seeing it in front of my face.

When I saw the guy's head crash into the table, I automatically looked away. Nadine and Amelia have seen this before and were saying, "Yay! It's a fight! We get free entertainment". I hate violence so much I don't see the fun in watching it. Some people were standing up on chairs (including Nadine) to get a better view, like it was some show. When Amelia said, "At least, it's not *********. They would've already sorted things out with guns" which freaked me out because she put the idea of shooting in my head. Although, I guess it would've already happened.

I made them go back inside with me to dance. Fortunately, that guy and his friends were not in sight. At around 2, it started getting empty so we decided to head home. Amelia's bus came straight away but mine wasn't due in 40 minutes so Nadine waited with me. We really got to catch up last night. It's strange that even though we're more different than we've ever been (and we always were opposites), we can still talk like family.

Earlier that night, she was telling us about her friends/boyfriend dramas. And even though she has lots of guy friends, boyfriend and guys who like her, I wasn't even a bit envious. I do not want a boyfriend who smokes pot or friends who get drunk every other night and guy friends who are extremely rude and no respect between anyone. I was scared to ask her if she smoked too now but was glad when she said she didn't.

Apparently her new boyfriend is shorter than her and she doesn't care (which is admirable since her previous boyfriends were really attractive tall and smart guys). She said she lowered her standards because she realised that her current boyfriend really cares for her, not like the others. So it doesn't bother her that he takes drugs.

She knows I don't agree with all this and she said she understood why I don't but it doesn't bother her. Oh well, everyone's different.

At the club, she also asked me what kind of guy I wanted so I told her the summary. She said that the 'doesn't get drunk' part rules out all her friends except one but he doesn't fit the 'funny/witty' part which Amelia found quite funny. I told her I'd be impressed if she found someone for me. She said she'd keep her eyes open. Good luck to her. I said that basically I wanted an improved male version of myself and Amelia said that perfect people don't exist. Who needs a boyfriend when I have a friend like that?

When we were sitting at the bus stop, there were lots of people but they were all quiet and could hear quite clearly Nadine's quite personal stories. She didn't care. She even told me about her 20 year old friend who got married recently and was trying to get pregnant who called her up to ask where the 'hole' is. I'm surprised everyone didn't turn around. Only one woman did. I was squirming so much in my seat. Nadine couldn't care less that there were 50 people who were listening to us. She probably didn't even realise. She can be very unaware of herself.

When I sat down in the bus I noticed how some guy sat next to a girl in front of me and they started chatting. It reminded me of BG. But most things do so it's no big deal. Some old guy sat next to me. Why couldn't BG sat next to me? Ok, I'll stop with pointless questions. Since my ride was long and it was late, I decided to go to sleep. But a few minutes later, the guy next to me bumped into me when the bus turned because he decided to go to sleep too. I moved closer to the window and made him see that it was because of him. So I closed my eyes again when he bumped into me again, much harder this time. I know the bus made a really sharp turn but I'm sure he could've held on. He looked at me and apologised and I looked at him to say it's ok. And wait a second, this wasn't an old guy. This was a cute young guy.

Ah, who cares what he looked like, not like anything could happen. So I closed my eyes for like the third time and 5 minutes later, the bus turned and he sharply bumped into me again. I gave him an 'Again?!' look and he became alert and said he was really sorry, he was just really tired. And he smiled a really sweet smile. (But, don't worry, I'm not naive enough to fall for guys with sweet smiles.)

I said he had an extra hour of sleep (since daylight savings ended - something I found out only an hour before). He said it was great 'cause he had to pick up his brother from the airport today in the morning. He, then, asked me where I was tonight so I just said the area, rather than the place. It's not like I knew him. Then, I don't remember who said what but somehow we ended up chatting about trains and buses and where we lived. There's nothing like public transport to bring people closer together.

While we were talking, I was thinking, "This is almost deja vu from last year. There's no Amy here, everything depends on me! I've been given a second chance." I was thinking of saying "You look familiar" but that seemed like too much of an embarrassing pick-up line. Asking his name would've been a bit odd too since I haven't actually talked to him about anything other than public transport (unlike with BG).

When he had to get off, he said something and looked like he was waiting for an answer but I didn't hear what he said other than 'taxi' which he mentioned earlier he had to catch. I guess I don't really regret anything I haven't done 'cause I know it would've been inappropriate to just ask him his name since we didn't know anything about each other. I guess I could've said, "Did you go to [my] uni by any chance?" but I didn't think of it then.

Also, when he got up, he looked a bit older than I thought. But it's really hard to tell whether he was 22 or 30. And he was wearing a pale pink shirt. Do straight guy wear pink? Or am I just stereotying?

Maybe buses (or trains) are the places for me to meet RG. Especially night ones because everyone's more talkative then.

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