Thursday, August 25, 2005

All The Space

All The Space

I needed space. It was getting too close too fast in reality (not just in my head) and that totally freaked me out. I'm impatient, I want to know if he's 'the one' right now and not a second later. So I start over-analysing. And these thoughts create walls that squeeze me and make me feel claustrophobic.

All of Tuesday and Wednesday I had my space from David but all I could think about was him. My brain wouldn't let it rest. By the end of Wednesday all I wanted was to talk to him. He called me. He told me about how he researched about resumes and cover letters and fixed his because I was right. And how he organised himself better so he wouldn't have to stay up at night. He also offered to get Nadine's birthday present (since I got Ria's). He asked if I wanted him to drive ('cause I drove him to Ria's party). Then when we were talking about going interstate (since it didn't work out with Sally) and he asked if I wanted him to organise the whole thing.

I couldn't believe how much effort he was going to please me. I started feeling guilty. And then I realised that I was overreacting about him. He wasn't stupid. He was totally capable. And just the fact that he was willing to do anything to please/impress me was so touching, all I wanted was to give him a hug.

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