Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Procrastination After Uni

Since I have no work or film thing today, I have planned an extensive list of things that have to be done that I have been postponing to "when I have time". It's a new reason for procrastination for me since I no longer have uni assignments to do.

Here is what I should do:

1. send resume to a recruitment agent my Mum knows (done)
2. call the above recruitment agent
3. iron
4. dust my room
5. sort through all the paper in my room
6. read the road rules so I can finally get my full driver's licence
7. upload new songs to my mp3 player
8. edit all the digital photos I want printed and burn them onto a CD

Here is what I am doing: blogging about procrastinating (which is the ultimate form of it).

One out of eight is just not good enough. I know I would feel so relieved once I complete the list. It's just a matter of starting. But it's always a matter of starting. That's the hardest part. God, the list doesn't even look that bad. I'm so lazy.

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