Monday, January 30, 2006


Today was the biggest waste of time. I wish I could've skipped it. The highlights were:
- ironing
- reading

I guess I could've at least done another lesson in "A+ Spanish" but I didn't feel like it. I should go and iron more, the pile seems to be neverending.

Tomorrow is my interview at a place I wouldn't mind working. Have a feeling I won't get it. (Can hear David's voice in my head saying, "Don't even think that!") I can pretty much say I didn't get the cinema advertising job as they haven't called. I wish the woman didn't get my hopes up. Oh well.

My life is so pathetic. I've been out of uni for a year and still don't have a permanent job. Wish I knew what I was doing wrong. I've probably had more jobs in the last few years than most people have in a lifetime.

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