Saturday, January 28, 2006

When Bad Days Become Good

You know how "bad things come in threes"?

1. I lost my mobile phone
2. David's car battery went flat and he couldn't go home
3. David and I had a fight on our 8 months anniversary

Losing a mobile phone was very stressful but fortunately it turned out it was in a store I was in and the guy who worked there picked it up and called my Mum. I'm sure he looked through my messages too which was a little embarrassing considering there was a sweet one from David. But I'm happy I have it back. It's amazing how much I rely on it.

David came over on Thursday and when he was going home, his car battery turned out to be flat so we had to all the NRMA guy who came one and half hours later instead of the "under one hour" the woman on the phone promised. I started getting fidgety for David because I was worried he wouldn't get home when he was supposed to as he had to wake up early on Friday. He didn't seem too worried, he was like, "Yay, I have an excuse to spend more time with you". He left two hours after he planned to.

On Friday, he met me for lunch and gave me a little present (which was unexpected). It was a keyring which had a button that switched on a laser light shining in a shape of a heart. Even though he obviously didn't think of this but it's quite symbolic since he shines love into every corner of my life. (No need to "aww...") It was pretty cool, especially when I accidentally pointed it to a wall of my house and the heart was covering the whole size of it.

After work he came to my house and we drove to the beach. In the car we had the most stupidest argument that when we got there, he said he wanted to go home. I didn't want us to be like that so I told him I wasn't going. He got annoyed. I got annoyed. I thought he was going to smooth things out as he always does but he didn't. I decided I could be the first one to make it better this time.

When I told him I didn't want us to fight, he said he didn't either and apologised. I asked him if he was really going to leave and go home with us fighting and he said he was. I said, "But you always make things better" and he said, "I know, I wanted you to make the first move this time". Typical, I knew it.

So we made up and it was great. We went back to my house where we talked for so long. It was so hard for him to leave even though we both knew he had to as he had to work today in the morning.

We're going out tonight with Claudia and Mike. Should be fun. Claudia wants to go to a club I don't really want to go to but I haven't been coming to so many outings with my school friends that I feel guilty.

Got to see April on Thursday (the day I lost my mobile) which was good. I was planning on spending the day with her but on Wednesday night David called me and said he was in a really bad mood (because of work) and all he wanted was to see me so I rearranged my plans with April so that I'd see her in the morning and spend the afternoon with David. It was funny that when he came, rather than me cheering him up, he was trying to calm me down because of my lost phone. But it all turned out well and that's all that matters.

Do good things come in threes too?

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