Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Partner in Crime

'A friend is someone who will bail you out of jail. A best friend is the one sitting beside you saying, "Damn that was fun!"'

- anonymous

I was amazed to hear David make the most detailed plan on how to set up April with one of his friends! I didn't even think he could be so wonderfully scheming. When he told me one of his friends (who I've met and wanted to set up April with) became single (a while ago - a fact he forgot to mention), I suggested that he invite him out (and I'd invite April) and to tell the guy we were going out in a group of friends so that he doesn't feel any pressure.

But noooo, David said that I should invite April for coffee in the city and that he would 'casually' call me up and I'd 'casually' tell him I was in the city with April. He'd 'casually' say, "What a coincidence, so am I!" and so we'd 'casually' meet up. And voila, April would meet his friend. Afterwards we'd 'casually' decide to go dancing and so this guy and April would have to talk since they'd be the only two who are not really into dancing. It would all be perfect!

David said, "I'm quite the matchmaker, aren' I?" I never thought that he could be such a male version of me.

We conspired on the phone all evening, creating elaborate ways to get his friend and April to like each other and imagining going out together. It reminded me of how April and I talked which made me so giddy with happiness knowing David could be like that.

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