Saturday, January 21, 2006

Took the Risk

I made my decision, I will not go to the second interview with the manager on Monday. I simply don't want to use my graphic design referee for this and they won't give me the interview without it. I emailed the agent telling her I've received two other offers and had to decline going ahead with this one.

Even if I did end up getting it, I wouldn't like it. There's a lot of boring web maintenance, it would take 2 hours travelling time and the hours are long. I also would have to figure out all the difficult technical stuff myself which might be very stressful and time-consuming. Even if I don't get any of the other jobs, it still wouldn't be worth it. I'll just pretend I didn't apply for it. Because I wouldn't if knew the location straight away.

Just hope I get one of the other two jobs I want.

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