Monday, October 18, 2004

Cute Guy in the Unlikeliest Place

Cute Guy in the Unlikeliest Place

I had to go to a podiatrist with my grandma today in the morning. I was hoping it would finish quickly until I actually saw the doctor. He looked only a bit older than me and was definitely very cute. We got talking about how he’s from a country that’s very close to POB and that POBian sounds very familiar to him. I wondered how far I could go with moving the conversation away from my grandma and her feet without sounding like I was interested in him. Not very far.

He seemed just happy that someone almost his age came in because there’s always only him and a middle-aged receptionist there all the time. Poor guy.

When he finished with my grandma and I was making another appointment (during the time when I’m going to be in America, unfortunately), he said to call him if we had any questions. I wish I did but there’s nothing that I could possibly ask him (except, “do you have a girlfriend?” and ‘do you want to go out?”)

Even though it’s nice to meet cute guys (since it happens so rarely), with it also comes the realisation that nothing can ever happen anyway.

I also wondered why a young guy would want to work with sick feet all day; did he have a feet fetish? Anyone who has fetishes freaks me out. And maybe he was gay anyway – he did look a little ‘stylish’ (best word I can think of). Even my grandma thought he was cute and also wondered why he’d want to work with feet. Why anyone would want to.

I wish I could go with my grandma to her next appointment so I can talk to him more. Maybe I should call up the clinic and ask to change the date. Maybe he can write a letter to me, to my grandparents’ address (since that’s the only one he knows). Ok, I think that’s pushing it too far.

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