Monday, October 04, 2004

Looking Beautiful

Looking Beautiful

I was just reading over some old entries and it was quite interesting to see how some events turned out. And about the first time I mentioned Max, when I thought I'd never talk to him again and look where I am now. (Yeah, not very far, I know. But I didn't even expect to get here at all.)

In other news, I made myself a fitness plan and stuck it up in my room. Hopefully I'll be able to stick to it. And I've read that grains and refined sugars helped someone get rid of acne in a week so I'm going to try and not eat that for a week to see if it'd help me.

I still need to get a dress for the end of year formal/ball/party and it's been proving very difficult. All the dresses (that are not too expensive) that I've seen don't have any style and have horrible colour schemes. And there's no way I'm wearing pink. Just not my colour. And I really don't want to wear black. Or yellow. I know, I know, I'm picky.

I just want a dress that would make me look gorgeous. But then, doesn't everyone?

I also want my hair to get wavy again like it used to be. It's becoming too straight. I never got why some girls want straight hair so much. I think curly hair looks a lot better. Does anyone know the best way to get NATURALLY looking curly/wavy hair? (Not one of those fake spiral ones.)

Caring about appearances sure takes the attention off everything else.

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