Monday, October 11, 2004

Wish #76

Wish #76

Max and I meet.

Max: So have there been any guys you were interested in?
me: not really... except one but that was really stupid...
Max: what was it?
me: just met a guy at the bus stop and after only about an hour felt like we connected. Which is ridiculous, really. My friends are sick of me talking about him.
Max: what was his name?
me (embarrassed): I have no idea... All I know is that he lives in [suburb].
Max: Was he tall? Dark hair?
me (surprised): yeah!
Max (smiling): I don't believe this.
me: what?!
Max: my friend, [name], can't stop talking about some girl he met at the bus stop at uni
me (about to have a heart attack): no way!! Ohmigod!
Max: yeah, he won't shut up about it.

Max introduces me to BG and we live happily ever after.

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