Friday, October 22, 2004

With Mum's Help

With Mum's Help

Last night my Mum came home and said, "I need to have a talk with you". I started getting worried. Did I do something really terrible? Did she want me to tell about what's going on with my brother? Was someone sick?

So nervously I waited for her to tell me what she was going to.

As soon as she smiled and said, "There's this guy..." I knew exactly what was coming ahead. I did my usual reaction of eye-rolling which allowed her to continue. She told me how she met some POBian girl in her post-grad class at uni who has a 'friend' who wants to meet me. A 23 year old 180cm non-smoking accountant friend.

Right now I'm up for anything so I told her that I'd meet him. I have nothing to lose. His name is Andrew, like my brother. The last guy my Mum tried to introduce me to had my Dad's name. I really don't know how she finds these guys who have names of my family members.

The only thing she told the girl about me was that I'm not tall. I really don't see how that's important but it might've been her way of finding out whether the guy was short. With all my shoes that all have platforms or thick soles, he's not going to notice my height anyway.

Apparently he moved to Australia when he was 16 and so he prefers to speak in POBian. I don't mind that much but my articulation skills are more limited in POBian. He has no family here.

I'm not expecting much to come out of this but hopefully it'll go further than with Ben (i.e. I'll actually get to talk to him or meet him).

It's weird to think that only a few weeks ago I didn't have any hope of meeting any guys any time soon but then there was Luke (the podiatrist) and Max seems eager to talk to me and now Andrew.

Even if nothing happens with any of them, at least I have something to look forward to (guy-wise) for a little while.

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