Friday, October 01, 2004

Matchmaker. Weirdness.

Matchmaker. Weirdness.

I went to Lilly's and Sophia's combined birthday party at a Japanese restaurant. I ended up seating next to Sally and the gross girl that I talked about here. I was polite to her at the beginning and asked her about how her holidays have been. She said she did uni work and didn't ask me anything, so I gave up talking to her.

Sally started matching people up and telling me why certain people were suited to each other (some that she didn't even know). She then said, "I wonder who you could go with" and I said, "No one here, that's for sure!" in a very definite tone. She looked around and said, "Sam." As you can imagine, I was greatly offended and told her so. She said that opposites attract. I completely disagreed. Not counting the fact that I'm not attracted to Asian guys, Sam also likes to get drunk, acts like an idiot and doesn't realise that people are often laughing at him, not with him. He (like most of the rest of the guys) is completely not self-aware. And he cares way too much what he looks like. Just the idea of me being matched with him is completely and utterly gross. Although, the rest aren't much better.

Sometimes I feel like there's no one in the world who's suited to me. But my opinion has been skewed towards this thinking because of the terrible variety of guys that are around me. I'm sure there are intelligent, non-smoking, non-alcoholic, non-religious, funny, kind and attractive (to me) guys (a few years older than me) somewhere out there. Please, let there be!

I also have to try and stop my weird side coming out. Sometimes I say really strange things out of nowhere and it completely throws people off. I know I can say weird things with my close friends because they don't notice it but I have to be more careful with others. After I said to Sally out of nowhere, "How does the chef's hat never fall off his head, even though it's so high?" she looked at me puzzled and said, "You're one very strange girl". I just said it light-heartedly but I guess she thought I was very serious. I should think before I say things like that. Without my little weird side, I'm very normal. I think that my weirdness makes me interesting and some people like me more because of it. But I guess not everyone understands.

My brother picked me up from the station. When I got in the car, I saw that 2 of his friends (girls) were there. I know all about them but I've never properly met them. I'm disappointed in my brother. Who knew he'd be friends with teeny-boppers. They were both giggling at nothing and one kept poking Andrew in the neck, while he was driving. They are defintely not the type of girls I'd be friends with.

I feel like my brother is changing for the worse. Really hope that his moodiness and rudeness is just a phase caused by the stress of the uni entrance exams. It's as if aliens have kidnapped my real nice and sweet and easy-going brother and put a mean one in his place.

Last weekend some people came over (that just came from POB) and the son is Andy's age so his Mum wanted to introduce him to my brother, since the guy doesn't know anyone here. I have never seen my brother be more rude to guests. Andrew completely ignored him, didn't talk to him until prompted by my Mum and the poor guy had to try to initiate conversation and was very friendly. If I was younger, I would've had a very big crush on him. I thought the guy was great and the old Andrew would've made him feel welcome.

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