Monday, March 27, 2006

A Bit About Work, Love and Sport

Today I was a bit bored at work. Not much to do.

Left at 4:00, since I was told I only need to do 7 hours and I'm worried they'll get annoyed if they have to pay me for more.

Another driver really annoyed me. I was trying to turn into a really busy street and waiting for ages for a gap. This man behind me started beeping at me because he couldn't see the cars that were coming from the corner. Then, he went on the other side of our street and blocked my way to see onto the street.

As he realised, there really were too many cars. He just stood next to me watching the road. Then he went right in front of a car which was so scary because the other car had to break really hard.

I hate people who drive like that. Is it really worth getting into a crash for not waiting a few extra minutes? It's stupid idiots like that who get innocent people injured on the roads.

Anyway, I realised it wasn't worth getting into a bad mood because of some careless driver.

When I got home, I got a call from a local company I applied to (and called) a couple of weeks ago. I thought they've rejected me because they were supposed to have interviews a week ago.

I'm a little torn now, though. I really like the job I'm in now (high pay, good, work, great company, good location) but it'll most likely end in three months. This company probably has a minimum pay, only part-time, boring work and a small company.

I'll go to the interview and only worry about any decision making if I get it. If I don't, it'll be easier for me. For the moment anyway.

It's David's and my 10 months anniversary today. Not that it's that significant but I can't help but think about it. Won't be seeing him today though because he's working all day and night. I'm annoyed my brother changed his job to Tuesdays so now I can't drive to his house during the middle of the week.

Yeah, 10 months... Is that still the beginning of a relationship? 'Cause I still feel excited to see him and our chemistry has grown (if that's possible). Although I'm over the "Ohmygod, I have a boyfriend!" stage. My life feels so normal with him in it and not like a dream, the way it did in the beginning.

I've also grown more tolerant of his faults. He made a counting mistake when he was dividing 109.90 by 2 and before, that would've been a cause of doubt for our relationship. Now, I turn a blind eye and just think, "Everyone makes mistakes". I also got annoyed he made a spelling error on my birthday card but I'm not seriously thinking of breaking up with him because of that. Does that mean I've changed?

I don't remember if I've mentioned this before on my blog so excuse me if I'm repeating. I've read that couples who have been together for decades usually see their partner through rose tinted glasses. That makes sense because if we paid attention to their every fault, we'd just upset ourselves. Sometimes it's just easier to ignore and forget. Of course this would only apply to minor things. Although maybe abused partners also ignore their partners' behaviour because it's just easier that way and because they focus on their positive attributes (no matter how small those are).

In other news, I seriously need exercise but I have no motivation. Before I didn't have to worry about this because just walking to work would be better than nothing. Now I have to intentionally go for a walk in the evening. I only go with my Mum because otherwise I would be bored out of my mind. The bad thing about going with my Mum is that her moderately fast pace is my normal pace. And there is no point for me to walk slowly because that doesn't count as exercise.

If I caught the train, I might make myself get off earlier to go to the dancing class but since I don't, I can't be bothered going there at night.

Wish I enjoyed exercise. It would make things so much easier. Why does exerting myself make me so bored? Why can't I enjoy moving my muscles until they ache? I really didn't inherit any sports genes. They must've all gone to my brother who excels at every sport.

Well, as you can see from the trivial thoughts that are swimming in my head today, life is quite ordinary for me at the moment. Work problems, bad drivers, boyfriend, no exercise.

To end this post here is another trivial thought that was on my mind today:

"One thing I love about Mondays is that there are usually no jobs to apply for so I don't have to spend an hour writing applications. Yay!"

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