Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Selfish Cruel Heart

I was reading Not Proud (similar to, but not in any way better than, PostSecret). People, basically, send in their confessions of things that they did but are not proud of.

I cannot believe how easy it is for some people to cheat on their partners and still say that they love them. It's disgusting and makes me sick. I always knew that cheating was bad but reading some of the confessions makes me physically ill. I don't even know these people but I never felt angrier (and I very rarely experience that emotion). Just want to shake them and hurt them so hard they never experience love again. How can people inflict such pain on others? It's too cruel.

There were also some heart-wrenching confessions that really show humans at its most vulnerable.

I think now that I have someone I love, reading these things makes me more emotional than I would've been if I was single. Just the thought of the one you love not loving you back is more than I can handle. Or the one you trust deceiving you.

I wish everyone valued how rare it is to find real love and not abuse it in such careless and selfish way.

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