Thursday, March 09, 2006

A Different Career

I was thinking about my career choice, once again. (Long-term unemployment does that to you.) Today something occurred to me. Up until about year 11, I've always wanted to be a teacher. And look, it's creative, it has nice hours, definitely rewarding. And and and I can direct my own plays and shows! (So what if the actors are kids.)

I even checked the course at uni. The subjects actually excited me (unlike marketing and law). Plus, I know I can be good at it since I've already had experience with kids when I tutored.

Again, it's such a big step to change careers. I wish I would just decide what I wanted to do and stick with it. Ok, so I know what I want to do. I want to work in TV/film. But I guess I can cross that off my list. I kinda always thought that if I do design, I'd be able to get into the media industry. Funny, I can't even get into design.

I talked to my parents and they actually think it's a great idea. They said I could start applying to the course and if I get a full-time design job, I can stop or quit the course. Yes, it's money gone but it could be the back-up I need.

I checked the teaching website and there's a direct program to getting a job. It's not as ambiguous as design. You study, you shadow a teacher, you get a job.

The agent I talked to today told me that they mostly just get jobs for people with 3-4 years experience. How the hell am I supposed to get that if I can't get a job? Argh...

Seriously considering becoming a teacher.

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