Saturday, March 25, 2006

Still the Same

For my thirteenth birthday I didn't want to do anything. I told my Mum that I was just wanted to have a quiet day/night at home with no one coming over. I was going through an "I hate everyone" phase.

So what does my Mum do but invite this woman who I absolutely can't stand. She was rude, smoked like a chimney (enough to make me not like someone) and was dumb in my opinion.

I got upset at my Mum for not doing what I asked her on my birthday. It was all I wanted. How hard was it? My Mum told me that it was a day for her to celebrate too since she was the one who had given birth. Of course I got mad. I refused to come out and say hello to the guests. I stayed in my room in complete fury and hurt that my Mum would do something I asked her not to on my day.

After my Mum yelled at me to get out, which was embarrassing enough, I went to say hello. In my anger, I told off this woman that she should stop smoking (which she was doing just outside our kitchen door) and didn't she know the effects of smoking on people nearby. I gave her a whole lecture on passive smoking. She sarcastically asked if it was ok if she went outside. I told her no because the smoke would go through the windows. She asked if she could smoke at her house and I told her she could do whatever she wanted there but it wasn't good for her baby son.

So she threw out her cigarette and told my Mum that she was going home.

The next week, my Dad made me apologise to my Mum because this lady made her cry, telling her what a rude child she had who she should control and discipline better, and she was never coming to our house again. I told my Mum it was for the best because we wouldn't get lung cancer.

For the next few weeks, I wasn't allowed to do anything. I haven't seen the woman since then.

Fast forward to today's morning. The phone rings. I pick up and who do I hear but that woman's voice. She asked how I was. I told her I was fine and asked her. And you know what she said? "Still smoking."

Unbelievable. It's been almost 10 years and that's what she brings up.

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