Thursday, March 30, 2006

Work Moves

Today's interview was the first time when I felt like I was in control. The general manager showed a tinsy winsy drop of confidence which in turn relaxed me. I felt so professional showing them my work and telling them how overqualified I was for the position.

They said they wouldn't mind if I kept working at my current role until it ended and doing their work from home. That would be the best because then I'd have a back-up if the contract finishes and at the same time, if it doesn't I can't just drop this.

The major problem was that the office stank because they had a warehouse of their products. Fortunately, if I do get the job, I wouldn't have to actually stay in the office.

The big positive thing was that the two women seemed very friendly and easy-going.

I guess we'll see what happens.

I'm really enjoying my current role. It gives me satisfaction working for the government. It's like I'm assisting the state. It's a weird but nice feeling working on the other side of the education system.

One lady who works part-time forgot something in the office and called me to ask if I could bring it down to her car since she didn't want to take her child up to the office.

When I got there, the lady said to say hello to her daughter because she was disappointed she couldn't come up. When I greeted her daughter, I felt such an immense wave of confidence and joy that it made me yearn to become a teacher.

It's weird how I'm not so confident around adults but with kids, I become almost a different person. I stop worrying about looking and sounding professional and grown-up. I just relax and become myself.

I think children bring out the best in me.

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