Friday, March 31, 2006


I found a website which shows which blogs link to mine. From it, I saw that someone tagged me to do one of those questionnaires that are so popular with bloggers. So I'm going to do it.

Four jobs I've had
1. book seller
2. graphic designer
3. marketing coordinator
4. tutor

Four movies I could watch over and over
This is pretty hard because I don't like to watch movies over and over again. I remembered these from experience of not minding watching them again.
1. some POBian ones that you wouldn't have ever heard of
2. American Beauty
3. While You Were Sleeping
4. My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Four places I've lived
1. POB
2. Australia - one suburb
3. Australia - another suburn
4. Australia - and another suburb

Four TV shows I watch
1. Desperate Housewives
2. Girl In Love
3. Prison Break

Cannot believe I watch less than four shows nowadays!

Four places I've vacationed (how American, I should say 'holidayed')
1. USA
2. France
3. Australia
4. POB

Four of my favourite dishes
1. steak
2. pizza
3. any sauce with vegetables/meats mixed with rice
4. chorizo sausage (loved it ever since David gave me one)

(obviously I'm not counting dessert as a 'dish' because otherwise I could go on for a while)

Four sites I visit daily
1. this one
2. hotmail

Four places I would rather be
1. at David's house
2. out, dancing
3. in a shopping centre (I want to buy stuff, now that I've got extra money)
4. in Europe/USA

Four authors I love (I added this one myself)
1. Paullina Simons
2. Fannie Flagg
3. Harry Mazer and Judy Blume(when I still read teenage books)
4. J.K. Rowling

(As you can see, it's too hard for me to only come up with four)

Four people I can't live without (another extra one)
1. Mum
2. David
3. April
4. Andy

Four hobbies
1. reading
2. dancing
3. blogging
4. music

I tag Toey, Jen, Lily and Janice to do this. (But everyone else is welcome too!)

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