Thursday, March 16, 2006

Bit of Hope

Got a call from one of my agents today asking me if I wanted to apply for a 3 months contract as a Public Relations Assistant in an educational organisation, doing 80% admin and 20% design, with a great hourly rate. Of course I said yes. The location is a very dodgy area which I'm a little (well, more than little) worried about. You always hear of attacks happening there. Hopefully I won't have to finish too late or start too early. It's only about 20 minutes ride by car but over an hour by train. Hopefully I can use the car.

Anyway, I'll have to go to an interview first, if they like my resume. Right now, though, any sort of contact with the corporate world makes me feel better than the last few weeks when I felt like I wasn't reaching anyone.

Also, David's boss at his voluntary work said he sometimes needs freelance graphic designers so of course David told him about me. The guy said to email him my resume and portfolio, which I did. He hasn't replied. Oh well, at least I have a couple of leads (even if they are tiny). Something to think about.

David came over last night. I could tell he missed me which made he really happy because I really missed him.

Also, I was in a good mood yesterday so I decided to smooth things over with my brother. It worked. Until he did something totally selfish and inconsiderate which made me think my effort wasn't worth it. I wonder what it would take for him to get any sort of empathy.

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