Friday, March 10, 2006

Glamour and Spice, and All Things Nice

Told David about my new career idea and he said, "If you were my teacher, I'd fall in love with you". I guess he's a bit biased since he fell in love with me anyway. (Yes, I have a smug grin on my face as I write this.)

I was thinking how I'm happy to be in a job which gives me an illusion of glamour. For example, I enjoyed my magazine design job that extra bit more because I felt 'cool' to have it. Same goes for the Marketing Coordinator role. I wasn't doing anything specifically glamourous there for sure but the illusion made me happier. I think it all goes back to me viewing my life as a movie. Which all goes back to me wanting to work in movies/television. It's a recurring problem.

Teaching will never give me any illusion of coolness. But maybe the 'making a difference to a child's life' would be rewarding and make me happy. I checked the teaching website and it said that there are about 1000 graduate jobs (every year) for 3500 graduates. That got me worried until I realised that's only 3 people per job, unlike a hundred for every graphic one that I go to. Ok, so that 100 doesn't just include graduates but overall it's about the same thing since the 1000 jobs are only for graduates, whereas these are for everyone. I also realise that some of these teaching jobs are probably not in the best locations. But even so, let's say there are 10 people for the jobs that I could go for, that's still so much better!

I'm going to send my application to the department of education to see if I'd be able to do the accelerated course which is only 2 years and will equal to a 5 year degree in education/teaching. Too bad they don't start in second semester, so I'll have to wait till next year anyway. I guess that's good in a way because it'll give me another year to try to get a design job.

I went to another agent today and it made me feel more productive than sitting at home sending off resumes into the vast unknown.

Here is a puzzle. Think of what career I should have if I want the following:
- creaivity
- work with people but not all the time
- feel like I'm making a difference
- a sense of glamour
- some excitement
- casual atmosphere
- intellectually stimulating


It's so pathetic, I'm almost 22 and I'm still not sure which career path to take.

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