Friday, March 17, 2006

My Name in Print

Is there anyone who doesn't love receiving mail? And I don't mean the typical bills, junk mail etc. I mean personal things that you don't expect that make you excited with anticipation when you rip them open?

Well, I haven't received such mail since I was a teenager and had penpals. Until today, that is.

As I checked the mail, there was a large envelope addressed to me. I wondered if it was the answer to my teaching application. I was surprised they would've replied so soon. As I turned it over to see the return address, I realised what it was. It was the magazine that I designed! The complete glossy version that thousands of people are currently reading.

I couldn't stop smiling as I leafed through the pages. It turned out fantastic. (I can see where I can improve a little but overall I am very pleased with it.) I had an irrational fear that they would change it after I left but it's just the same. I have something great to show at my interview on Monday, rather than just A3 printed copes.

Now I'm quite overprotective of the publication and wish I asked for two copies in case anything happens to it. It already has a creased corner which could've happened in the post.

Anyway, it really made my day.

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