Wednesday, March 08, 2006

If Nothing Works, Get Distracted

Feeling a tinsy bit better after yesterday. I organised two interviews with two agents. One is from an agency which deals with finding work for designers (first that I've heard of, other than the one which only considers very experienced people). The other is a local one which might help me get some temp work. Will try to be positive. Maybe this could be the rope that pulls me out of my unemployment cell.

I've seriously considered changing professions but I'm too optimistic for my own good. I still have hope that I can find a job in my preferred field and don't have to resort to doing something I hate. I realise most jobs are in finance (accounting, business, sales etc) but I just don't have the drive for my main goal at work to be how to increase profits. Looking at numbers all day doesn't appeal to me in the slightest.

David called after work last night. Just as I was about to get upset after telling him that I had no luck on the job front, out of nowhere he said, "What's another word for big, seven letters?" That was so unexpected, my thoughts totally shifted.

After we hung up, I started laughing and crying. At the same time. I was so sad and for some reason, him asking for my assistance in a crossword puzzle seemed like being tickled at a funeral. You're not supposed to laugh but you can't help it. I was a seriously pathetic case last night. Him distracting me (even though it probably wasn't intentional) was the perfect medicine. It just made me love him even more.

Today he emailed during his break at uni with a very thoughtful suggestion. Next time I start to doubt how much he likes me, I should remember how he's always thinking of me and what I want. The happier he makes me, the happier I want to make him. I hope we can stick to this cycle that makes both of us happy.

It's nice to make yourself happy but it's even nicer when someone else does.

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