Friday, June 10, 2005

In Search of a Bathroom

Last night at around 8:30pm, David decided that he needed to go the bathroom. Since we were outside, we went to find a hotel or a pub or something along those lines. After some wandering, we found a pub. As with most inner-city pubs, the bathrooms are always located down numerous staircases which are located at the end of numerous corridors that you can find after walking through numerous rooms.

So, when we got to the bathroom, right next to it was a TV showing a soccer match between two South American teams. To my utter surprise, David sits down and starts watching.

"Uhm... David? Did you forget why we came here?"

"Oh yeah, won't be a minute." As soon as he returned from the bathroom, he sat back down.

"Can we just watch a bit?"

"Uhm... sure."

"Did you see that?! How cool was it?!"

See what? I wasn't paying attention.

"Oh yeah, that was cool."

"Oh no! What's he doing?!"

Playing soccer?

"David, you know how the filming starts next Wednesday and it turns out your rugby match is next Wednesday too?"

"Yeah? Look, look!"

"I'll just tell the Director that you won't be able to be an extra anymore."

"Yes I will. I'm coming to your film thing. Oh no! What's he doing?!"

"What about the match?"

"Oh, I don't care about that. There'll be another one. Goal! Yes!"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course! What should I wear? Did I tell you how I saw the final between..."

"Yeah, one of the first things you told me."

"What time should I get there?"

"I'll let you know."

"Look at him! I love watching those teams"

"I know. Thank you."

I'm so happy he's still going to come to the film shoot, even though I know how much he loves his sport.

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