Monday, June 27, 2005

My Mummy, the Cheater

Last night my Mum smiled at me slyly and asked, "Can I ask you a question?" which got me quite suspicious. I hoped it wasn't anything too personal about David.

She offered to set me up with some POBian guy, if I wanted. I told her I wouldn't be comfortable meeting new guys when I have a boyfriend who I really like. She said, "How do you expect to meet someone better if you don't break up with him and won't meet other guys at the same time?" She said she went out with up to 3 guys at the same time when she was going out with my Dad. I asked her, "Didn't he mind?" and she said, "He didn't know at the time". I asked her how he reacted when she told him later and she said he was doing the same thing because it's not like they were married. I swear, they're made for each other. I don't know how it's possible to go out with more than one guy at a time and not feel guilty.

Mum said the reason she didn't feel guilty was because she didn't really like any of them that much and when she decided she was going to marry my Dad, she stopped seeing the others.

My Mum was such a player, it's kinda funny. And she was proposed to twice before my Dad. And my Dad didn't even propose properly. Mum said she just told him that either they were getting married or they were looking for other people, so they got married. How romantic.

You'd think their marriage would never work, judging by how it started, yet they celebrated their 22nd anniversary on the weekend.

We were also discussing love and she said that it's something gradual and it's not like she fell in love with me when I was born. "They handed me this screaming gross baby after hours of excruciating pain so it's not like I could love you immediately. That only happened after being woken up every night by your crying."

I don't know how I end up having these deep and meaningful discussions with her.

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