Friday, May 27, 2005

A Dose of David

I had my dose of David yesterday. I saw him online so we chatted for a bit about the most boring things and I started getting worried that we were running out of things to say, but then he asked if he could call me.

We talked on the phone for about 2 hours and it was the best conversation! He actually made me laugh. We kept alternating between serious and thought-provoking topics to being completely silly and childish. How is it possibe to talk to someone you just recently met as if you are long-lost friends? And we just kept finding more stuff we had in common.

My heart feels lighter now. That heavy weight of knowing that I'll never have anyone and will end up alone is slowly lifting. I know he's not permanent but he's the best distraction from feeling like I'll be alone for the rest of my life. It's even good that I know I won't end up with him so I won't have any expectations for the future and when we do stop seeing/talking to each other, I'll be expecting it. So no major disappointments. Perfect.

He asked what I wanted to do tonight and I said I didn't care. He asked if I wanted to go dancing. Usually if anyone asks me that, I don't hesitate for a second and I should've been exhilirated that a guy asked that but with him, I just want to talk and not dance at some loud club where we can't even hear each other. And to be honest, it feels weird dancing with a guy who dances like a pro. I prefer going clubbing with a group of friends, rather than one person.

On the phone, he was telling me how he was thinking of buying a telescope and I love it when guys have intelligent hobbies like that. He likes reading, history, dancing, astronomy, same music as me, can play guitar and he's very sporty as well. I wish I was into sports so I could impress him. The only sporty thing I can do better than him is skate but he didn't seem very impressed by that when we went that first time. He was paying more attention to not falling.

He was saying how he and his friends were planning on renting an apartment for the weekend during winter in the country. I wouldn't want to go 'cause that's like an excuse to do sporty things. All the sporty genes must've went to my brother. I wish I had something to impress him with.

I asked him about the message from the payphone and he was like, "How did you know it was from a payphone?" so I said that it said in the message and he said, "Oh it was only 20c. I just didn't have any credit on my phone". I couldn't help but smile.

He said, "You're so sarcastic". I know I am so I said, "I can't help it, it's like a bad habit" and he said, "Nah, I like it". To me that's almost as good as saying "I like you".

Wonder what we'll end up doing tonight...

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