Thursday, May 12, 2005

Who Reads My Blog

It's really nice to know what sort of people read my blog. Especially the one who put my blog through this. Nice.

While I'm on the subject of the type of people who read my blog, I have to write about a very special one. The one who thinks he almost fits my criteria for RG. Obviously he's a little over his head. The one who thinks my sense of humour involves the "Knock Knock" type of jokes. I only find jokes funny if they're said in the right context at the right time, not just out of nowhere, unless they are especially witty.

This guy said that he doesn't read my blog because he thinks I'm pretending to be someone I'm not. Yet he asks me what I've been up to all the time. So since he thinks my blog isn't really me, I make up stories that he would think are more real. Like I told him that I was really a nanny who was writing a great novel in my spare time and that I got kicked out of my house when I was a teenager because I got pregnant. Maybe that would've sounded more realistic to him. And the weird thing is that I'm not 100% sure he didn't believe me.

The last time he asked me what I was up to, I said that I flew to the moon on Saturday and still had some jet lag on Sunday. He asked me if I really meant I was on drugs. If you maybe read my blog, you'd know how I feel about such things!

I really don't get this guy. He wants to email me because he said I sounded interesting (from my blog), yet he doesn't want to read it anymore. I think he still reads it though because I'm pretty sure I know his IP address, but I guess I could be wrong.

He seems like the really serious type because he thinks everything I say is serious so I find it really amusing to say random things.

We'll see if he actually reads my blog because maybe after this post he'll stop emailing me. Or he can pretend he hasn't read it. It'll be entertaining either way.

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