Sunday, May 01, 2005

Subconscious Talking

I dreamt that I met Max and he brought his girlfriend. She was blonde, short and kinda chubby with a friendly smile and not perfect looking but gentle. We met in some field that had his house on one side where there was a party going on. He looked really good. And smart. At first I thought it was his sister but then I saw that he was holding hands with her as he was coming towards me. He introduced us. Then some of his friends started coming to his party and as they walked past us, I realised his friends were the smokers from my tour in America. He was about to introduce me as his net friend but I gave him a look to stop the introduction. He looked at me weirdly. I asked how they met (he and his girlfriend). He said they met at a guitar class.

I kept thinking that at least David will have a uni degree but it didn't really help because Max looked so intelligent.

After a bit of an awkward chat we said final good-byes and parted.

What a strange dream to have.

He still hasn't replied to my email. I talked a lot about my wonderful job and graduating from uni. I wonder if he thought it was a way for me to put him down that he didn't go to uni or didn't have an intellectually challenging job. Although that wasn't my intent at all, I could see that it might've looked like that to him. But when I sent it I thought that if he got offended by it, it was because he had issues with it, not me.

Anyway, it's not like I'm still hung up on him. It's just that I'm so used to him being a ghost in my life that it will probably take time for him to completely disappear from my thoughts.

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