Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Too Far

BG3 called on Sunday. And I wasn't even expecting it. I thought he was going to continue the tradition of only calling on Tuesdays. But it's ok, I've forgiven him.

He said he wasn't sure what he and his friends were doing on Saturday anymore because his friends like to decide at the last minute and he wasn't even sure if they would be free. He suggested to meet beforehand and then meet them later. Totally fine with me.

When I tried to get him to meet in the City because that's about the middle for both of us, he said that the others would go out around his area. I got a bit annoyed that he couldn't get his 2 friends (who he wasn't even certain were coming) to come to the City. But then he started saying that it wasn't just those 2 friends. There's apparently a large group full of couples and he can't make them all go to the City. That got me so confused because at the beginning he said only the 2 guy friends were coming. Must be the language barrier.

When he asked if I could come and I said that I can, as long as I can get there, he told me not to worry and that he would drive me home, even though it would take him an hour. I hate to be such an inconvenience. Told him to just drop me off at a train station and he started laughing and said not to worry, he'll get used to it. Now, is it just the language problem again or did he mean he's planning on driving me many times in the future?

I hate relying on people for transport. He said there'd be no way to get home, other than taxi, at 3 am anyway. Didn't realise they were planning on staying out till then. If I was in the City, I'd be fine with catching a bus 'cause I've done that many times but there weren't be any buses in his area.

Don't feel too comfortable going by myself somewhere I don't really know with a guy I barely know and relying on him to get home. But I'm going.

When I said that my friend (April) only finishes work at 6 (the time we were planning on meeting) and if we should meet later, after a silent pause, he said "This is getting complicated... Don't worry about your friends. There'll be plenty of people. Just come yourself."


So April won't be able to come. And she was really looking forward to it. Makes me think of karma doing its rounds for all the times she cancelled on me.

Felt my own karma too when he thought graphic design was below his sister's abilities. Maybe that's how people who don't/didn't go to uni feel when I act condescendingly about it. Not that he said it in that way but when he was saying how his sister liked to draw/paint and I jokingly said that maybe she could be a graphic designer too, he quickly said, "No, she's going to be a lawyer" like he was deciding her future.

He was telling me how noisy his neighbours were 'cause they always had parties till early hours in the morning. And I could so relate, until he said "I wish they'd invite me. It looks like so much fun!"

In other news, my manager told me I only have 2 weeks left. I'm glad I got to make the most of this job. And I'm happy it went for longer than the planned 1 month. Not sure what I'm going to do yet. I'm thinking: check out all the film courses info again, apply to graphic design jobs anyway and call the temp agency for some temp work. Basically, everything at the same time and see what comes first.

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